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Setting Goals and Creating a Plan

Resume, Cover letter & Interview Skills

How to get a Promotion

Managing Up and Down

Balance Work , Life & Family

 The Money Conversation

Self Employment 


Whether we are just starting out or well into our careers it is good for us to create goals to avoid stagnation and to have a sense of achievement. Working out what the plan is to fulfill those goals is not always easy on one's own. Being held accountable is another element that encourages success and one I can help you with.


Writing a good resume, that is industry approiate and shows you in your best light is something that can make or break your chance to interview. Engaging cover letters that leave the reader with something are the key to being remembered and ending up in the "yes" pile are essential. When is comes to being your best at an interview you need a fail safe way to get in the right frame of mind, even if the car breaks down on the way.... these are a few of the things we'll focus on.


How to get a promotion? Well let's start with why... then what kind... then how to go after it. If you need help tooting your own horn... we'll toot it together and figure out how to be yourself while you're at it.


I hear a lot about bosses, even from the bosses! What is it about our relationship with authority that makes us so vulnerable, upset, touchy, angry and cynical..... it can be different and learning how to manage both the boss and the staff is key to a healthy workplace.


Quality of life is perhaps the most important element of our times and often the least discussed. In my work I am amazed what clients will trade to have quaility of life over many other things that they used to hold on to. Having a work/life balance is having health and satisfaction.


Let's talk money. How do you really feel about it? Does it dictate to you or do you chase it or perhaps it's the very thing that makes you feel worthy at work. Whatever your money story it's a good one to know and understand how it influences you in both positively and negatively. How do you want your relationship with money to feel? 


I like to say I've been self-employed since I was eleven when I walked dogs, babysat, made jewelry and shoveled snow. The truth is I've always known what it is to be self-employed, as it was always the discussion around the dinner table with my parents who embraced it. So the dynamics of a family business are in my blood but also the diversity with which I've created employment helps me to step into many of my clients shoes and help them change their shoes so to speak. Knowing the ins and outs of starting a small business are all in the same bag of goodies. Being a support, supplying inspiration, some know-how, and offering encouragement is what I do (amongst other things).







Career Coaching

Mid Career Consultations

Conflict Resolution

Career Transitions

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